Ready to be a champion for family medicine? The AAFP is seeking chapter staff to participate in its new Family Medicine Champions program, which trains people to be ambassadors for the specialty and connects them with students and those who support them. The goal is to educate aspiring health care workers on the bright future of family medicine.

Family Medicine Champions receive education and will be equipped to address misconceptions and tout the facts about family medicine and the broad opportunities for those who practice it.

The free certificate program includes 12 modules covering a range of topics, including educational requirements, financial support, workforce projections, and health equity. It runs August through December.

The following cohorts are able to participate:

  • Family Medicine Interest Group or ACOFP student chapter leaders (faculty, students, staff)
  • Physician leaders (such as chapter staff, leadership and commission/committee members)
  • Pre-health advisors (medical school, college, and high school faculty and career advisers)

More program details and registration information are available here. Register by July 19 to be part of the next class of Family Medicine Champions!

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