General Assembly logoMembers Meet in New Orleans for the General Assembly

Derek Anderson, MD, Speaker, LAFP General Assembly
Daniel Jens, MD, Vice-Speaker, LAFP General Assembly

The 69th annual General Assembly convened on July 8th in Destin, FL at the beautiful Sandestin Golf & Beach Resort. Speaker Derek Anderson and Vice Speaker Dan Jens presided as around forty five members and guests discussed issues and elected officers for the upcoming year. As usual it was a lively meeting with many issues discussed and debated.

The meeting provided members with addresses from Rob Muscalus, DO, Medical Director of Care Transformation for Blue Cross Blue Shield of LA, Senator Dan Claitor and Robert Wergin, MD, AAFP Board Chair. Dr. Wergin brought us greetings and information from the national Academy and also shared a presentation on the work of the board over the past year.

During the meeting, after the annual reading of the necrology report honoring our members who have left us in the past year, those in attendance considered and debated eight resolutions.  The following is what was debated and passed during the assembly meeting:

  • Resolution 1: Dues Increase for Active, Inactive and Supporting Membership
  • RESOLVED, that the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians (LAFP) Board of Directors urges the membership to approve for the annual dues for active members of the LAFP will increase $20 dollars beginning January 2017 resulting in the total annual dues for chapter dues to be $320 dollars be approved by the General Assembly at its July, 2016 meeting.


  • Resolution 2:  Division of the Legislative and Membership Issues Committee
  • RESOLVED, that the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians (LAFP) Board of Directors urges the membership to separate the Legislative and Membership Issues Committee being into two separate committees, forming the Legislative and Advocacy Committee and Membership Committee be approved by the General Assembly at its July, 2016 meeting.

Your 2016-2017 officers were also elected.  For election results, please reference the list of officers and board members on the LAFP website here.

Reports were given by each of the committee chairs on the work that had been done over the past year.  After completing our business by early afternoon, Dr. Anderson called for an adjournment. We hope everyone enjoyed their time in Destin. We look forward to seeing you all next year in New Orleans!

The success of the 2016 General Assembly is due in part to the support and generosity of our sponsors and exhibitors.


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