General Assembly – August 5, 2011 – New Orleans, LA
Submitted by: Derek Anderson, MD, Speaker of the General Assembly
Daniel Jens, MD, Vice-Speaker of the General Assembly
64th Annual General Assembly Report and Resolutions
The 64th annual General Assembly convened on August 5th at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans, LA.  Speaker Derek Anderson, MD, presided as about forty members and guests discussed issues and elected officers for the upcoming year. The meeting provided members with addresses from Mike Reitz, President/CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of LA; Thomas Grimstad, MD, President/CEO of LAMMICO; Susan Nelson, MD, Chairwoman of LaPost Coalition; Margaret Civella, LAFP Foundation Coordinator regarding E-Louisiana HIT Toolkit as well as Glen Stream, MD, AAFP President-Elect.
During the meeting, after our annual reading of the necrology report honoring our members who have left us in the past year, two resolutions were passed (see below).  The first resolution approved was to establish a student vote at the LAFP General Assembly.  The second resolution approved called for bylaws changes to be made from the approved resolutions of the 63rd General Assembly.
We had un-contested elections with many of the officers agreeing to serve another term as well as the nomination and election of our new Vice-President, Dr. Bryan Picou.  I would like to personally thank all of the members who agreed to serve and remain active in the Academy.
After completing our business by early afternoon, Dr. Anderson called for an adjournment.  We hope everyone enjoyed their time in New Orleans.  We look forward to seeing you all in Sandestin for next years’ assembly!
Click here to view the 2011 General Assembly Minutes.

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