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Supporting Membership

Promote Family Medicine
Offer your knowledge to the specialty of family medicine. Get involved in advocacy efforts with your colleagues.


If applicant has never been a Supporting FP member, or has not held Supporting FP membership within the last two years, CME credits are not required. If the applicant has held Supporting FP membership within the last two years, the applicant must provide evidence of 100 approved CME credits completed during the two years immediately preceding application.
  • Supporting non-FP: Physicians in specialties other than family medicine must meet criteria established by the AAFP Board of Directors. Criteria are based on activities that support and enhance the family medicine specialty. Physicians must also be licensed to practice in a geographic area in which a constituent chapter exists.
  • Supporting FP: Physicians who have been actively engaged in the practice or teaching of family medicine or in medical administration for the previous six years but who do not qualify for active membership because they did not complete the necessary residency training, and who have not been active members prior to January 1, 1989, must provide evidence of 100 approved CME credits completed during the two years immediately preceding application.


  • Supporting Members shall be given privileges of the floor of the General Assembly without the right to vote, not be entitled to hold office in the LAFP and have a voice in standing committees .
AAFP Privleges
  • May hold floor at Assembly.
  • May not hold national office or committee appointment and may not vote in national affairs.
  • Privileges of supporting members in chapters may be determined under the Bylaws of individual constituent chapters.

Application Requirements

  • Physicians actively engaged in family medicine:
  • If applicant has never been a Supporting FP member, or has not held Supporting FP membership within the last two years, CME credits are not required. If the applicant has held Supporting FP membership within the last two years, the applicant must provide evidence of 100 approved CME credits completed during the two years immediately preceding application.

Definition of "Approved CME"

In interpreting the "postgraduate study of a nature acceptable to the AAFP Commission on Continuing Professional Development," the general rule is that all AAFP-approved courses are acceptable. Contact with the individual's chapter is recommended to determine whether an applicant's hours are acceptable for membership, re-election, or transfer to another membership classification.

Continuing Study Requirement

  • Supporting non-FP: None
  • Supporting FP: 150 credits of approved CME every three years.
  • Supporting members with a CME requirement must accrue and report, within each re-election term, a minimum of 150 credits of approved CME of which at least 75 credits must be AAFP prescribed credit and 25 credits must be live activities.

General Membership Information

  • Applications are approved at the chapter level, subject to AAFP Bylaws.
  • National headquarters completes enrollment. Transfers from one classification to another must be approved by the LAFP chapter. 
  • If all membership requirements are met, membership is continued on an annual basis, unless notification is received from the member.

LAFP Membership

LAFP membership is unified, which means that members are required to belong to the national AAFP and to the LAFP chapter. The AAFP has a chapter for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Uniformed Services, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Members are also required to belong to a local chapter, if one exists in their area.
LAFP membership makes it convenient for AAFP members to access relevant information and focused resources right where they live and work. The LAFP offer local opportunities to network, mentor, volunteer, take a leadership role, and get involved in the LAFP/AAFP.
Questions? Contact the LAFP at (225) 923.3313 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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Supporting Member Benefits

  • Access to The Louisiana Family Doctor and the Weekly Family Medicine Update
  • Receive information from the Advocacy Action Center
  • Attend LAFP conferences
  • And MANY More!!

Join as a Supporting FP Member

Term of Membership
Three years
$290.00 (January 1 through December 31)
If applying after July 1, annual dues are pro-rated 50%.
$350.00 (January 1 through December 31)
If applying after July 1, annual dues are pro-rated 50%.

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