Resident members of the LAFP are invited to attend many events. As members, residents are invited to almost all LAFP events. Below are just a few: 
LAFP Annual Scientific Assembly and Exhibition: Residents are invited to attend the LAFP’s Annual Scientific Assembly. As a member, you can sit in on CME presentations and attend General Assembly. Annual Assembly is a great chance to network with fellow physicians and residents!
LAFP Student and Resident Track: To be held in conjunction with LAFP's Annual Assembly, the student and resident track will feature learning opportunities specifically tailored to your needs and interests.
AAFP National Conference: Each year, the residency programs are invited to send 2 residents to AAFP National Conference. This opportunity allows you to represent your program on a national level.  
White Coat Day: Residency programs participate in the annual Legislative Health Fair held in conjunction with the LAFP’s White Coat Day at the State Capitol. This opportunity allows you to gain experience using your skills in unique settings while building relationships with legislators who can help shape your future.

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