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What You Can Do

Thank you for believing in, supporting, and inspiring us to continue infusing the strong programs of the LAFP Foundation with fresh ideas that help us more fully achieve our mission. It is only through you that we can advance our commitment to family medicine and the people we serve.


We are proud to have earned your commitment. Your contribution makes our programs possible and your compassionate support is building the future of the specialty. You may choose to make a restricted donation to one of our programs or an unrestricted donation. Unrestricted funds provide the power to make great things happen. Our Foundation leaders gratefully use these flexible gifts for top priorities.

Make a tax-deductible unrestricted contribution to the Foundation any day.

Donate Now!

We also know that providing a variety of ways to give is important. Listed below are additional ways you can give whether monetarily or in-kind:

Family Medicine Legacy League

Through your planned gift, you can support the Foundation and its programs.

A planned gift provides one of the most substantial and lasting means of support you can give. Planned gifts require specific planning with your financial advisor, attorney, or accountant and can provide you, the donor, with significant tax advantages.

You can make a planned gift to the Foundation through a bequest (a gift you designate in your will), living trust, gift of life insurance, or a variety of other options.

What better way to support the future of family medicine in Louisiana than to name the Foundation in your will and in your estate planning. None of us knows what the future will bring. What we do know is that people will always need the quality care provided by family physicians and family physicians will always need to have meaningful involvement with both their patients and communities, making lasting improvements in Louisiana’s quality of life.

It’s easy and you can start today! A simple directive in your will can bring welcome support to the Foundation:
  • Make sure you have an up-to-date will (or living trust) that reflects your charitable objectives
  • Contact your financial advisor (a financial planner, lawyer, or accountant) and ask for help in establishing a charitable gift
  • You can leave cash, stocks, real estate, insurance policies, and personal property to charitable organizations
  • You can make the Foundation a beneficiary of your life insurance, pension plan, or IRA.

The Foundation established the Family Medicine Legacy League to recognize those who make provisions through their estate. Donor recognition is given for any gift made by bequests, life insurance, charitable remainder trust, or any other type of planned gift.

If you have remembered the Foundation in your will, please let us know so that we may properly recognize your generosity by listing you as a member of the Family Medicine Legacy League. While public recognition of your gift often inspires generosity in others, we also understand that anonymity may be your preference. Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 225.923.3313 for more information.
The AAFP Foundation also has financial and estate planning tools to help make the critical task of estate planning even easier for donors with the user-friendly planned giving section of its website. The AAFP Foundation staff is available to help interested donors who wish to remember both the AAFP Foundation and the LAFP Foundation in their charitable bequests. For more information, contact the AAFP Foundation or request a free Wills Guide. When you make provisions for a planned gift to the AAFP Foundation, you become part of the AAFP Foundation League.

iGiveiGive 2

The Foundation is a registered charity with; and, shopping online at is another way to support the Foundation’s mission to cultivate student career choice in the specialty of family medicine.

By signing up at and shopping online at the 900+ participating retail establishments, a percentage of your purchase(s) will be donated to the Foundation – and your shopping donations are tax deductible!

“For online shoppers, this is a great way to make an extra contribution to the Foundation. It is fast, easy, and fun to watch your donations grow just by shopping online at your favorite stores,” said Foundation Executive Vice President Ragan LeBlanc.

There is no cost to the individual to sign up for this service and no cost to the individual for the money to be donated. iGive provides this service because its mission is to enable the economic power of individuals to benefit their chosen communities. Information at iGive, including your name and address, is covered by its extremely strong privacy policy.

Merchants associated with iGive are not remote, online “trunk stores,” but rather they include retailers such as Amazon, Macy’s, The Home Depot, Bed Bath and Beyond, Expedia, Orbitz, Barnes & Noble, Staples, QVC, JCPenney, and many, many more.

Try it now! Join iGive and you will be setup to support the Foundation with your online shopping. It is that simple!


Consider sharing your time and expertise by volunteering with us. You can:

Become a Preceptor

According to a 2015 survey from the American Academy of Family Physicians, of fourth-year medical students who were AAFP members revealed that 93% of respondents who matched into family medicine residency programs said strong family medicine mentors influenced their specialty choice. Conversely, of those who didn’t match in family medicine, only 60% said they had a strong mentor in the specialty.

Mentors and preceptors are key to securing the next generation of family physicians. Medical students need positive family medicine preceptors early in their medical school career to engage with them in their journey and provide them with insight into the family medicine specialty they may not otherwise receive.

However, we understand that making the choice to become an engaged preceptor may seem daunting and come with a lot of questions like: What information should I share? What procedures should I share? How will I make time in the day to see my patients and train a medical student? How will this disrupt the practice and other team members? And the list can go on. With all of these questions in mind, the Foundation has created this dedicated section to provide our preceptors with helpful information to be a successful preceptor.

This list of resources will continue to grow so please return often for updated links and information!

If you’re ready to jump in and train the next generation of family physicians, consider being a preceptor and share your time with a first or second-year medical student today.

Preceptor Resources

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Resources

Articles of Interest

Success Stories

Join the Foundation Board of Directors

The LAFP Foundation is always looking for individuals to join its Board of Directors. Directors are elected annually through a nomination and selection process with the LAFP’s nomination committee. Directors serve a two-year term and can be re-elected to serve a second, two-year term. Check out the Leadership Team page to learn more about the Board and the director responsibilities. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 225.923.3313.

Share Your Story

Share your story – plain and simple. Students and residents need to hear more from family physicians about the breadth of work they do and the satisfaction a career in family medicine can bring. Whether you’re having conversations with peers and colleagues or visiting students and residents, share the things you love about what you do.

If you’d like to speak more formally with a family medicine interest group at one of the four medical schools, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 225.923.3313. Ms. Albert can help coordinate this opportunity with you and the student group.

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