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Exhibit Floorplan


The floorplan is tentative and subject to change. The LAFP reserves the right to add or remove booths if necessary. Without exception, exhibitors must follow the set up and teardown times indicated in the LAFP plans and correspondence. Exhibitors must have their booths set and ready by the times indicated in booth confirmation letters. Exhibitors may not dismantle their booths earlier than the close of the show. Exhibitors who make earlier flight plans must arrange for another party to dismantle their booth. Allow adequate time for dismantling and packing your booth when scheduling your airline reservations. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this policy. Those that violate this policy will be subject to a $250 penalty.

Exhibit hall hours may increase, but will not decrease. Times are subject to change.

*Exhibitors are invited to attend the Welcome Reception and receive two tickets to the President’s Party and Foundation Fundraiser. This will be an opportunity for food, fun and networking!

2025 Exhibitor Prospectus

Exhibit & Sponsorship Registration


Lisa Lapeyrouse
Marketing & Events Coordinator
(225) 923-3313 

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