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General Assembly – July 2, 2010 – Destin, FL
The 2010 General Assembly was held Friday, July 2, 2010, at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort in Destin, FL. The meeting provided members with an address from Dr. Lori Heim, AAFP President, as well as Mike Reitz, President/CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana and Dr. Thomas Grimstad, President/CEO of LAMMICO.  
Three resolutions were presented and approved during the meeting and are as follows:
Subject: Years of Service and Recognition
Submitted by: Alan LeBato, MD, President-Elect and Mark Dawson, MD, President
RESOLVED, that Dr. Wayne Gravois be officially recognized by the LAFP in appreciation of his many years of dedicated service to the Academy.
Subject: Create a Resident and Student Leadership Committee
Submitted by: Resident and Student Leaders
RESOLVED, that the Louisiana Academy Family Physicians create a “Resident and Student Leadership Committee” as a separate, unique entity reporting to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Academy Family Physicians, with equal responsibility, expectations, and freedom as other committees.
Subject: Amending the LAFP Bylaws
Submitted by: Derek Anderson, MD, Speaker and Daniel Jens, MD, Vice-Speaker
RESOLVED, LAFP Bylaws be changed as follows:
Board of Directors
SECTION 1.  Subject to the action of the General Assembly, and during the interim between the meetings of the Assembly, the control and administration of the Academy shall be vested in a Board of Directors composed of the following:  President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Speaker, Vice-Speaker, AAFP Delegates (or Alternate Delegates), and one (1) member (Director or Alternate Director) from each of the ten (10) geographic districts, the at large membership, the resident membership, the student membership and the Executive Vice President.

SECTION 2.  The Executive Vice President will serve as an officer of the Academy in a non-voting capacity.
SECTION 3.  All Directors, except those from the resident and student membership, shall be elected for terms of office of two (2) years with such terms to expire at the conclusion of the second succeeding meeting thereafter.  Resident and Student Directors shall be elected for one (1) year with such terms to expire at the conclusion of the first succeeding meeting thereafter.  In the absence of an elected Director his/her alternate can be seated with voting privileges.  Elections for Alternate Directors are handled in the same manner as Directors.  No Director or Alternate Director shall be elected to no more than four (4) consecutive two (2) year terms before a mandatory year or more absence.
SECTION 4.  Unless otherwise specifically provided, the Board of Directors shall fill all vacancies which occur among Officers, Board members, Delegates and Alternate Delegates.  Vacancies so filled shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term.
SECTION 5.  The Board of Directors shall hold two (2) meetings annually in addition to those held in conjunction with the annual assembly.
SECTION 6.  The majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business and unless provided otherwise in these Bylaws, the articles of incorporation or by law, all matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the Directors present and voting.
SECTION 7.  The Board of Directors is authorized to create an Executive Committee of six (6) members:  the President, the President-Elect, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the immediate past President.  The Executive Committee, by a majority of its members shall have full authority to act for and in behalf of the Board of Directors on such matters as determined by the Board of Directors or whenever business of the organization demands prompt action in the interim between meetings of the Board or when it is impractical or impossible to convene the Board of Directors.
Election of Officers and Directors
SECTION 3.  At least ninety (90) days prior to the annual meeting it shall be the duty of the President to appoint a nominating committee consisting of himself/herself, the immediate Past President, the President-Elect and two members of the Board of Directors.  The nominating committee shall present to the General Assembly, at its annual meeting, nominations for each position of Director and Alternate Director which shall become vacant at that annual meeting; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as preventing nominations from the floor.  No person may be nominated for the position of Director or Alternate Director who does not reside or practice in the geographic district which that position represents on the Board of Directors., except for the at large, resident and student membership positions.
SECTION 4.  At the time of the annual meeting, the nominating committee shall present nominations to the General Assembly for the offices of President-Elect, Vice  President, Secretary, Speaker, Vice-Speaker and one (1) Delegate and one (1) Alternate Delegate to the Congress of Delegates of the American Academy of Family Physicians.  Additional nominations for these offices may be made from the floor of the Assembly.
Duties and Terms of Officers and Director
SECTION 10.  Directors and Alternate Directors
The duties of the District Directors shall include the following:
(1) To serve as a member of the Board of Directors;
(2) To act as the advisor to the physicians in his/her district in the absence of the Director or membership category;
(3) To submit at the General Assembly a written report of the activities during the preceding year;
(4) To perform such other duties as may be required of him by the President, the Board of Directors and the membership of the General Assembly ; and
(5) To perform such other duties as may be required of him by law, custom, parliamentary usage, or other rules of the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians.
Any Director who absences himself/herself from three (3) successive stated meetings of the Board of Directors without a reasonable excuse acceptable to the Board of Directors shall be considered as having resigned from the Board.  
The duties of the Alternate Directors shall include the following:
(1) To serve as a member of the Board of Directors;
(2) To act as the advisor to the physicians in his/her district in the absence of the Director or membership category;
(3) To perform such other duties as may be required of him by the President, the Board of Directors and the membership of the General Assembly ; and
(4) To perform such other duties as may be required of him by law, custom, parliamentary usage, or other rules of the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians.
SECTION 12.  Vacancy of Officers Vacancies for the office of President-Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Speaker and Vice-Speaker, Directors, Alternate Directors, AAFP Delegates and Alternates shall be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors, provided however, that such appointment shall terminate at the next annual meeting of the General Assembly at which time the nominating committee shall present a nominee for the unexpired term, if any.
Click here to view the 2010 General Assembly Minutes.
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