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General Assembly logo77th General Assembly – July 26, 2024 - Destin, FL

Report by: Derek Anderson, MD, Speaker, LAFP General Assembly

Lindsay Liles, MD, Vice-Speaker, LAFP General Assembly

The 77th annual General Assembly convened on July 26th in Destin, FL at the Sandestin Golf and Beach Resort. This years meeting was offered to members in an in-person and virtual format.  Speaker Derek Anderson, MD and Vice-Speaker Lindsay Liles presided as LAFP members and guests discussed issues and elected officers for the upcoming year.

The meeting provided members with addresses from Larry Simon, MD, MBA, FACS, Managing Medical Director for Medical Policy and Medical Appeals for Blue Cross Blue Shield of LA, Gary Leroy, MD, FAAFP with the American Board of Family Medicine and Sterling Ranson, MD, FAAFP, AAFP Board Representative. Dr. Ransone brought us greetings and information from the national Academy and also shared the work of the AAFP over the past year.

During the meeting, after the annual reading of the necrology report honoring our members who have left us in the past year, recognized the past presidents in attendance, recognized members receiving anniversary awards and approved bylaws changes that were submitted. Four resolutions were submitted to the General Assembly and are as follows:

Resolution 1: ABFM Misinformation Disinformation Policies
submitted Dr. Karl Hanson

The following resolution was submitted and presented to the members for consideration:

RESOLVED, that the LAFP adopt a policy stating that physicians have a protected First Amendment right to free speech; and further be it (ADOPTED) 

RESOLVED, that the LAFP oppose any action by the ABFM to censor, discipline or decertify physicians based on the ABFM disagreeing with the opinion of that physician; and further be it (FAILED) 

RESOLVED, that the LAFP opposes the ABFM Professionalism Committee from determining what is information communicated by any physician is false, inaccurate, misleading, misinformation or disinformation. (FAILED) The resolves were split and voted on individually during the meeting. 

The resolves were split and voted on individually during the meeting.  The first resolved was adopted, the second resolved failed to be adopted and the third resolved was tabled and referred to the LAFP Board of Directors to gather more information and provide a report with their recommendation the General Assembly in 2025.

Resolution 2: Independence from Government Authority
submitted Dr. Karl Hanson

The following resolution was submitted and presented to the members for consideration:

RESOLVED, that LAFP adopt a policy stating that no physician in Louisiana shall be required to follow or obey Centers for Disease Control nor Food and Drug Administration guidelines or mandates. (FAILED) 

The resolution failed to be adopted.

Resolution 3: Opposition to Monetary Incentives for Therapeutics
submitted Dr. Karl Hanson

The following resolution was submitted and presented to the members for consideration:

RESOLVED, the LAFP opposes the monetary incentivization, beyond the contracted reimbursement, of physicians to recommend and administer therapeutics including medications and immunizations. (FAILED)

The resolution failed to be adopted.

Resolution 4: International Mandates in Medical Practice
submitted Dr. Karl Hanson

The following resolution was submitted and presented to the members for consideration:

RESOLVED, that LAFP adopt a policy stating that no rule, regulation, fee, tax policy, or mandate of any kind of the World Health Organization, United Nations, and the World Economic Forum shall be enforced or implemented by the state of Louisiana or any agency, department, board, commission, political subdivision, governmental entity of the state, parish, municipality, or any other political entity. (FAILED) 

The resolution failed to be adopted.

The 2024-2025 LAFP Board of Directors, LAFP Foundation Board and LaFamPac Board was elected.  Reports were given by each of the committee chairs on the work that had been done over the past year.  After completing our business by early afternoon, Dr. Anderson called for an adjournment. We hope everyone enjoyed their time in Destin. We look forward to seeing you all next year in New Orleans.

The success of the 2024 General Assembly is due in part to the support and generosity of our sponsors and exhibitors.

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