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The annual American Academy of Family Physicians’ (AAFP) National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students (National Conference) is designed for residents and medical students to advance their knowledge, make connections, and learn what’s on the horizon for family medicine was held August 1-3, in Kansas City, MO.

Attendees participated in educational sessions, heard from nationally renowned speakers, engaged in procedures and workshops, advanced policy at their respective congresses, connected with residency programs and future employers, and most important of all – grew their passion for family medicine!

Among the numerous sessions, workshops, and visits to the expo hall, were the National Congresses of Family Medicine Residents and Student Members. Louisiana resident and student delegates selected and supported by the LAFP Foundation (Foundation) represented their fellow medical students and family medicine residents during the congresses. Delegates at the congress sessions heard updates from national student and resident leaders, participated in parliamentary procedure to review resolutions, and voted on national leaders for the 2024-25 term.

This year’s Louisiana delegation was:

Resident Delegate: Matthew George, MD - LSU Shreveport Core Family Medicine Residency Program
Resident Alternate Delegate: Emily Ostrander, MD - Baton Rouge General Family Medicine Residency Program
Student Delegate: Kacy Henwood - LSU Health New Orleans
Student Alternate Delegate: Landon Waite - LSU Health Shreveport

Save the date for next year! AAFP’s FUTURE – the National Conference for the Future of Family Medicine is set for Thursday-Saturday, July 31-August 2, 2025, in Kansas City, MO. Sign up for conference reminders and updates on the AAFP website.

Key Dates

  • Call for Posters – Monday, December 2, – Tuesday, April 1, 2025
  • Registration Opens – Friday, February 14, 2025
  • Scholarship Applications – Friday-Thursday, February 14–May 1, 2025
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