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Atlantic WFMUPaid Sponsorship by Atlantic Health Partners

Every year, respiratory illnesses such as influenza (flu), RSV, and COVID-19 cause hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths. Luckily, vaccination is proven to prevent and reduce the severity of many common respiratory virus symptoms. To improve our collective health during peak virus season, it’s critical that physicians incorporate proactive immunization efforts during their fall patient interactions.

Disease Burden of Respiratory Illness
During the 2022–23 season, the concurrent surge of flu, RSV, and COVID-19, coined the “tripledemic,” resulted in 693,000 hospitalizations and an estimated 143,000 deaths nationwide. Spikes in hospitalizations strained understaffed healthcare workers and lead to capacity issues, potentially displacing other patients in need of medical attention. However, widespread vaccination is proven to reduce respiratory disease prevalence, thereby alleviating the burden on the healthcare system.

Strengthening Physician Immunization Efforts
To boost vaccination rates and improve herd immunity, it’s essential that physicians increase immunization efforts during the early fall months, as vaccines are most effective before peak season, which occurs from November to February. To help physicians effectively protect their patients and community against seasonal respiratory illness, Atlantic Health Partners (Atlantic) offers an overview of actionable and proactive immunization tactics:

Plan Ahead
Adequately preparing your practice’s vaccine inventory is key to a successful fall immunization season. Therefore, using the summer months to begin vaccination conversations and to place orders for the upcoming season can help you vaccinate your patients more effectively.

Promote Open Communication
Before addressing vaccination with patients, establish your office as a safe space and ask your patients if they’re open to the conversation. Engaging in a two-way discussion and encouraging your patients to ask questions is one of the most productive ways physicians can instill vaccine confidence. Physicians are in an influential position to equip their patients with accurate and actionable information to inform patients’ vaccination decisions. When talking about vaccines, it’s critical to use simple terms while explaining how vaccines work, why they are safe, and what the benefits are to maximize patient understanding.

Make Clear Recommendations
Patients look to clinicians for recommendations for healthcare-related decisions. Your educated opinions can help patients keep themselves and their families safe from respiratory diseases this season, so providing a strong and clear clinical recommendation regarding eligible vaccines can significantly impact your patients’ decision making.

Avoid Missed Vaccination Opportunities
Promoting same-day vaccination can improve vaccination coverage and help your patients avoid making additional visits to the doctor. However, if they opt out of same-day vaccine administration, encouraging them to schedule their next vaccination appointment while still in the office can enhance their chance of following through. Additionally, if applicable, patient portals provide a great line of communication to send friendly reminders about receiving routine seasonal vaccines.

Educate Your Staff
It’s important to strengthen efforts across your practice, from your office to the front door. By communicating to your staff their role in boosting immunizations and providing information on the importance of receiving seasonal respiratory vaccines, you’re shaping them into ambassadors who can help build and reinforce patient trust.

Our United Efforts Can Make a Difference
This upcoming respiratory virus season, it’s crucial that we all work together to reduce disease prevalence. At Atlantic, we’re committed to supporting physicians across all care settings. Whether your practice needs support in growing its immunization program with procurement assistance or strategic planning, Atlantic’s expanded customer support team is here to help.

Reach out to learn more.

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