On June 10 at 6 PM, the Louisiana Legislature constitutionally adjourned Sine Die, ending the 2023 Regular Legislative Session! Our legislative committee met before and during the session to set priorities and define specific positions on bills that we were following. We worked effectively on issues with other organizations, both healthcare and non-healthcare, and communicated with the Louisiana State Medical Society, LA Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Medicine Louisiana on several bills. The committee met on several occasions and asked for opinions and guidance by email when needed when emergent issues arose.
Click here to see the final report.
A huge thank you to the many physicians who joined us at the Capitol to testify for and against legislation. While there, they often served as volunteers for the First Aid Station, too! We hope to have many of you join us again and encourage those of you with an interest to reach out for opportunities that help you stay involved. As this session comes to a close, it’s not too early to start looking at legislation for next year. If you have suggestions you would like to have considered, please submit those ideas to Ragan LeBlanc at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..