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The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Nominating Committee is inviting applications for nomination to the AAFP Board of Directors. Applications may be submitted by potential nominees themselves, as well as by groups such as chapters, member constituencies, and member interest groups who would like to put forth a potential nominee.

Applicants should have a record of active involvement with the AAFP and their chapter, leadership qualities, and experience that meet the organization’s needs, and the ability to represent the AAFP in diverse arenas.

Applications are due Saturday, February 15. The 2025 slate of nominees will be announced on Wednesday, April 16. The Congress of Delegates (COD) will elect board members from this slate or from those who may be nominated from the floor.

Information needed for submission includes:

Read an interview with Nominating Committee Chair and Past President Reid Blackwelder, MD, FAAFP to learn about what work well during the Nominating Committee’s first year and what changes are in store for 2025.

For more information, visit the AAFP website.

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