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Stethoscope Partner instaSource: National Birth Defects Prevention Network

Birth defects are structural changes that can affect almost any part of the body, such as the heart, brain, or foot, and can cause lifelong health challenges. Birth defects are common, affecting 1 in every 33 babies born in the United States each year. Not all birth defects can be prevented, and they can occur in any family, regardless of race, ethnicity, health history, or economic status.

The National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) raises awareness of birth defects and promotes strategies that reduce the risk of birth defects and their complications. National Birth Defects Awareness Month is a time to raise awareness about birth defects and highlight efforts to improve the health of people living with these conditions across their lifespan. As early identification, medical care and treatment have improved, babies and children with birth defects are living longer and healthier lives. That is why NBDPN’s 2024 theme is “Every Journey Matters,” highlighting that from prior to diagnosis, throughout childhood and adulthood, birth defects affect people in each phase of life.

This January, take time to learn about:

  • Birth defect prevention before and during pregnancy
  • Survival and health of infants with birth defects
  • Educational needs and special healthcare needs for children with birth defects
  • Transition from pediatric to adult medical care for adolescents
  • Planning for pregnancy, recurrence prevention, and genetics and family history for adults with birth defects.

Join NBDPN and in improving the health of those living with birth defects and reduce the risks of babies being born with birth defects. NBDPN resources can be accessed on its website. Also visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for resources for before and during pregnancy, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is focusing on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) during National Birth Defects Awareness Month. Learn more about FASD and view the AAFP’s curated resources, including free continuing medical education activities!

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