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Without a doubt, signing a physician employment contract is one of the most consequential decisions a family physician can make. It’s essential that physicians understand the terms of their contract and know how to negotiate to protect their interests and ensure their career success and well-being.

Fortunately, the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has new tools and resources to help family physicians navigate the entire employment contracting experience—from choosing a knowledgeable lawyer to help review contract terms to negotiating key contract provisions, including your dues for Academy membership.

Some simple tips to get started include:

  • Physicians should seek out experts to fill knowledge gaps. Hiring legal and financial advisers who understand the physician’s needs and desires is fundamental to achieving a positive outcome. Knowing how to choose an experienced lawyer is a great place to start.
  • Preparation is the best strategy for successful contract negotiation. Physicians should review their proposed contract to identify the most important items to negotiate, as well as what to avoid. A member-exclusive checklist can help identify possible concerns.
  • There’s no substitute for the written word. Principal elements of a contract should be spelled out in writing. Whenever possible, physicians should avoid relying on an employer’s verbal assurances and promises.
  • Physicians need to decide what they can live with—and what they can’t. If an employer won’t negotiate on a contract provision that’s important to the physician, it may be time to walk away from the agreement.

Visit the AAFP’s updated Physician Employment Contracting webpage for more information about these and other resources.

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