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Student Scholarships Available for 2024 FMEC Annual Meeting in Philadelphia

Every year, the Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) hosts a dynamic and innovative Annual Meeting in the northeastern United States for medical students, family medicine residents, faculty, and others involved in family medicine. This year’s FMEC Annual Meeting will be in Philadelphia, PA, Thursday-Saturday, September 19-21.

At the conference, attendees participate in over 200 peer-reviewed scholarly sessions, hands-on workshops, poster presentations, and networking opportunities. A residency program recruitment fair features 85-95 programs from the northeast United States.

Through a robust scholarship initiative, the FMEC brings over 300 medical students to the Annual Meeting to consider family medicine for their careers and to meet with residency programs. The Annual Meeting is also the forum for the FMEC to recognize excellence in family medicine and primary care through its many award programs.

Student scholarships are available and include:

  • FMEC membership for one year
  • Annual Meeting registration fee
  • All conference-provided meals and breaks
  • Two (2) nights in the hotel (double-bedded room shared with another scholarship student)
  • Admittance to Residency Fair
  • Access to all academic programming
  • One-on-one support from the FMEC Student Coordinator
  • A pre-meeting orientation and Q&A session to prepare you for the meeting.

To see if you are eligible for a scholarship and for more information, visit the scholarship webpage. A student registration rate is also available for eligible registrants. For more information and to register for the FMEC Annual Meeting, visit the event webpage.

About the FMEC
The FMEC is a catalyst, convener, and incubator that connects family physicians and other stakeholders to improve the health communities by strengthening family medicine, primary care, and medical education. The FMEC serves 14 states and the District of Columbia in the northeast region of the United States., working with 60 medical school departments of family medicine, over 200 family medicine residency programs, and thousands of family physicians and other healthcare professionals in community settings. Through an Annual Meeting for nearly 1,000 health professionals, annual awards, learning communities, and quality improvement projects, the FMEC inspires medical students to seek careers in family medicine, strengthens academic family medicine through faculty development and leadership experiences, and stimulates innovative approaches to primary care service delivery. For more information about the FMEC, visit its website.

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