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Educational Faculty Travel Guidelines


  • The Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians (LAFP) will provide non-member faculty with an honorarium as negotiated between the two parties.
  • Member faculty will be offered a choice of a waived meeting registration fee or an honorarium equivalent to the registration fee. LAFP members are encouraged to present at all educational meetings.
  • No additional amounts connected with the preparation of manuscripts or illustrative materials, including duplications, slides, etc., used in the speaker’s presentation will be paid.
  • The Academy is required by the Federal Government to issue Form #1099-MISC to each speaker that receives money from the Academy. This is related to honoraria only.
  • Your Social Security Number is required.


  • If traveling by air, LAFP will reimburse the lowest round-trip coach fare available 30 days prior to presentation date.
  • Travel by automobile is reimbursed at $0.545 per mile, only to and from the engagement, and only up to and not exceeding equivalent airfare. Note: Mileage reimbursement will fluctuate based on IRS guidelines.
  • No reimbursement for auto rentals/mileage incurred onsite or travel related repair work is permitted.
  • Airport parking, shuttle services and on-site parking will also be reimbursed by LAFP (for 2 days – presentation & travel day).
  • When a speaker lives in the convention city, no transportation expenses will be paid.
  • It is the presenter’s responsibility to make your own travel and lodging arrangements


  • The Academy reimburses for one night’s hotel lodging at the cost of the published single room hotel rate at the convention hotel.
  • Presenters are responsible for making their own room reservation by contacting the hotel directly. When a speaker checks out of the hotel, he/she will pay or accept the charges on the bill.
  • Room block details will be provided to all faculty members.
  • When a speaker checks out of the hotel, he/she will pay or accept the charges on the bill.
  • When a speaker lives in the convention city, no lodging will be paid.

Meal Reimbursement

The LAFP will reimburse a speaker for meals, at a maximum amount of $50 per day (itemized receipts required), enroute and during the day(s) he/she is required to be in the convention city for the LAFP program. When a speaker lives in the convention city, no meal expenses will be paid.


The Academy reimburses a speaker for tips and airport parking fees for the day(s) the speaker is required to be at the meeting by reason of his/her appearance on the program.

Non-reimbursable Items

The Academy does NOT reimburse the following:

  1. Personal car rentals, charter planes, helicopters, side trips.
  2. Travel and meals for spouse, children.
  3. Personal long-distance telephone calls.
  4. Personal entertainment, such as movies in hotel room, room service, etc.
It is the policy of the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians to only pay expenses and honorarium to speakers upon receipt of a completed expense form accompanied by appropriate receipts. If travel is by airline, either a paid receipt or a copy of the actual airline ticket, which contains cost of ticket, MUST accompany the completed expense form. Your expenses must be received within 30 days of the date of presentation. Any expenses received after the four-week deadline will not be honored. It is understood that each speaker's expense check will clear the LAFP checking account within 90 days. If not, the LAFP reserves the right to stop payment.
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