Are you ready to start your leadership path? The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) offers numerous leadership roles for students and residents that allow members to tap into valuable mentoring, networking, and learning opportunities in these national leadership roles. Louisiana has consistently filled family medicine leadership positions at the national level, and the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians (LAFP) would be thrilled to support you in your application for an AAFP leadership role.

As a national leader, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Network with family physicians from across the country
  • Attend national meetings funded by the AAFP, such as the National Conference of Family Medicine Residents and Medical Students (National Conference)
  • Participate in the discussion of issues key to healthcare delivery and to family medicine
  • Learn more about topics of special interest
  • Cultivate organizational and communication skills
  • Spend time with other resident and student leaders who share common interests and concerns.

Many leadership positions are elected at the AAFP’s National Conference including:

  • Resident and Student AAFP Board Members
  • Resident and Student National Conference Chairs
  • Resident and Student Delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates
  • Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG) Network National Coordinator
  • Resident and Student Representatives to the Boards of the AAFP Foundation
  • Student Member of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Board of Directors.

Online applications for positions that will be decided during elections at National Conference are due by Thursday, July 25, but will also be accepted until elections during National Conference, Thursday-Saturday, August 1-3, in Kansas City, MO.

Additional leadership positions will be selected in the fall and do not require National Conference attendance to apply, including:

  • Annals of Family Medicine Editorial Board positions
  • American Medical Association (AMA) positions
  • Commission applications
  • FMIG Network Regional Coordinators
  • Student Liaison to the Student National Medical Association
  • Student Liaison to the Latino Medical Student Association
  • Members to FamMedPAC Board of Directors
  • Members to American Family Physician Editorial Board.

Student and resident leadership role descriptions, an application timeline and tips, and annual reports from current leaders, are all available on the AAFP website. Apply today, or share with medical student and resident leaders you know!

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