The Family Medicine Student Organization (FMSO) grant program from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) is open and student family medicine interest groups (FMIGs) are eligible for two unique grant opportunities!
Core grant funds are to bolster FMIG’s everyday operations. Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis, which means that the sooner you apply, the quicker you can gain access to funds. The submission deadline is Sunday, March 31.
Student organizations can also secure up to $500 in special grant funding specifically designed to support projects that champion the specialty of family medicine. Projects are evaluated based on creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Special grant applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Upcoming deadlines include Wednesday, January 31, and Sunday, March 31.
Approval from state AAFP chapters is a prerequisite for FMSO grant applications. When applications are submitted, state chapters will receive an email from the AAFP to sign off on the funds. If there is an option to fill in an email address, please enter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..