Teacher Recruitment and Development:
Having highly effective teachers is the number one factor
contributing to student success. The school system is committed
to hiring the best and the brightest and will continue to provide
professional development and support that results in an
exemplary teaching staff.
St. Charles Parish Public Schools encourages and promotes
a healthy workforce. Employee wellness leads to improved
productivity, performance, positive staff morale and employee
engagement. These factors result in the ability to provide high
quality educational opportunities for our students. Opportunities
for employees to develop healthy lifestyles will include wellness
events, exercise classes, health screenings and personalized
moving forward
As we progress, these are the commitments to
Excellence in Leadership and Personnel
we aremost excited about for the future of SCPPS.
“St. Charles Parish Public Schools is a state leader in providing a newvision
for new teacher quality and recruitment. Through collaborative endeavors
with Southeastern Louisiana University, the apprenticeship programoffers a
year-long residency for teacher candidates toworkwith outstandingmentors
in the classroomevery day!”
- Dr. Cynthia B. Elliott
SCPPS 2016 QUALITY PROFILE | Excellence In Leadership & Personnel | PAGE 16